Be Open From Day One, Not Day N.

Note: This is an updated version of an article I first wrote in 2011. The original site went offline for a while, and although it was later restored, thanks to heroic efforts by Philip Ashlock, I felt the article needed a new home, and wanted a chance to update it …

Decentralization: Worth The Wait

Ethan Zuckerman has a piece in Wired that says building decentralization tools is a sucker's bet. He and his coauthors, Chelsea Barabas and Neha Narula, mention the FreedomBox, which I helped lead, as an example of how difficult this stuff is. They point to a list of things that make …

Report on GeoNode's path to open source success

Recently, OTS was asked to write a report about the GeoNode project by one of its primary sponsors, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) a global partnership that is managed by the World Bank.  GeoNode is a facility for sharing and displaying geographical information.  It is "web-based …

"Open source mistakes for enterprise newcomers" on O'Reilly Radar

OTS partners James Vasile and Karl Fogel recently wrote a post for O'Reilly Radar about common mistakes that companies make when they start to get involved in open source.  They write: Open source reinvents relationships and business dynamics, turning customers and even competitors into collaborators. Firms embrace it to encourage …

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