"Open source mistakes for enterprise newcomers" on O'Reilly Radar

A paved path bordered on its left side by a wooden slat fence turns right through woods. The sun sets in the background. | Courtesy of Martin Brigden, under CC-BY. Source: https://flic.kr/p/ngi9Rx

OTS partners James Vasile and Karl Fogel recently wrote a post for O'Reilly Radar about common mistakes that companies make when they start to get involved in open source.  They write:

Open source reinvents relationships and business dynamics, turning customers and even competitors into collaborators. Firms embrace it to encourage those dynamics, when the benefits of participating outweigh the gains from going it alone with proprietary code. But open source isn't an outcome in itself. It is an approach for finding where different firms’ interests intersect and helping them cooperate there — but it is the path, not the place. To enjoy its full benefits, one must visibly walk that path.

Thanks to Andy Oram and Adam Flaherty for their expert editing and advice.  You can read the full article on O'Reilly.